SoCS: An Acceptable Medium

This past week has fallen in the middle. Somewhere between a sad low and peaceful, playful highs. In the medium category. This past Monday, my beloved fur baby and Queen of the castle, Ziva, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. She had kidney failure of the kind that could not be fixed and I was not going to let her suffer. So, I let her go, sobbed my heart out, and began to fill the hole with pieces of fond memoriesRead more

#SoCS: Satisfaction in Motion

Satisfaction. Every time I ride. Anywhere I go. Paved trail, city street, gravel, in a cathedral of green. Location is everything and nothing. Biking is distraction from all that is perplexing and unanswered. An affirmation of God’s and Mother Nature’s presence on earth. It is never old. Never wrong. Never an action that embraces boredom. Always wanting for anticipation and elation. A devotion that cannot be denied. The days are leaning into autumn and becoming cooler. Shorter. Autumn is aRead more

#SoCS: A Favorite Collar

Collar. It’s what keeps me warm in the cool of fall and the frigid of winter. This past week has been cooler than normal. In fact, Green Bay reported a new record high of 52F (11C) on September 9th, which is cold for this time of year. The rain did not help. On the other hand, I heard Colorado and Wyoming received snow a day or two before, so it could have been worse. It’s supposed to stop raining andRead more

SoCS: Breathing Seasons

Breathe in Breathe out Lungs cauterized by winter’s frozen retort Stark trees bare their darkened soul Breathe in Breathe out Lungs refreshed by spring’s unprocessed reply White birch bare their newborn green Breathe in Breathe out Lungs parched by summer’s brazen song Limbs bare their sultry, layered bark Breathe in Breathe out Lungs clear and crisp by autumn’s chameleon chatter Leaves bare their red and golden hues Breathe in Breathe out Lungs expand and collapse by pages on the calendarRead more

The Other Side

“They say stay in the lines, but there’s always something better on the other side.” ~John Mayer~ I made it to the other side On my ride Last one of the season I reasoned This may be true The sky shod its blue Days turned to chill as the rider turned ill Could there be more For a bicycle whore Another warm day Before fall goes away To get to the other side And ride outside the lines This postRead more

SoCS: Old Man Aggressive

He hides in the shadow of summer Snarls with his upper lip Waits ready, anxious to pounce with Canadian cold Hostility chases away retreating geese Gives shivers to a fading tan Takes aggressive to the edge as if he were a hungry lion Old man bitterly bites a cheek or two Whirls across smooth black tar Leaves his signature of white and never wants to leave He punches spring in the gut Sends warmth to the ground Adheres himself withRead more

2017 in Pictures

Like sands through the hourglass, so was the year of 2017. It’s January 1st and I’m hanging out at home in my pajamas. I might find my way to yoga or the gym later, but it depends on whether or not I really want to wander out into the deep freeze. In a sense, the cold makes me hardier than the average Floridian, able to withstand very large temperature ranges. On the other hand, cold is cold and it isRead more

Random Acts of Autumn

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ― L.M. Montgomery I am too. I have a love/hate relationship with autumn. I love the color of leaves, the crunchy cool air, the blanket of leaves on the ground, and the late farmer’s market, where there is an abundance of pumpkins, squash and root vegetables. On the other hand, autumn signals that winter is coming. I don’t know if I can say that I “hate” winter. Most often, IRead more

One-Liner Wednesday: It’s Nice

“It’s so nice out today, I think I’ll leave it out.” ~Natasha’s brother~ With the exception of a short rain event on Monday, that was the existence of the weather this past Saturday through Tuesday – sunny, blue skies, temps in the 70’s. Beautiful. It prompted Natasha to spout one of the many one-liners she inherited from her family, and it prompted me to go for walks and a round-trip bike ride from home to work and back again. I wishRead more

Landscape: Sister Bay & Fall Festival

Last October, four girlfriends and I spent the weekend in Door County, Wisconsin. It was a sunny, albeit cool, weekend, but the lack of rain made for a great day at Sister Bay’s 70th Fall Festival. The fall festival is considered to be the “granddaddy” of all festivals in Door County.  What began as a celebration and reward for the Door County tourist workers after a busy summer season has evolved into one of the largest weekend celebrations on theRead more

Wordless Winter

“Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance. Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence. Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.” ~Yoko Ono~  Read more