#SoCS: The Signals to Get Up and Do

Oh, the life of Gibbs, the cat.

To sleep, to eat, to play, to visit the litterbox whenever he wants; to whine consistently for food; to lounge around on a dog bed that is not his, no matter that it smells like a dog. Gibbs doesn’t have to get up and do anything if he’d rather not. His life may not be as long as a human’s, but it’s a good and non-demanding life.

Being retired, I could follow the life of Gibbs (human style) – relax on the couch all day, watch TV or the birds outside, eat cookies, take naps, etc. In truth, though, I still have to “get up and do” as a breathing, upright, human adult. It’s part of being responsible for self and not turning into a hermit.

Since January, though, I’ve received a number of signals – whether it’s from divine intervention, a spark in the brain, a self kick in the pants, or a reflection in the mirror – that I had to get off the couch and do something to keep active until biking season. It may be “in my head,” but the gym has always been difficult for me. I know it’s a good thing to build upper body strength, and I feel good after a workout, but lack of motivation is what kills determination. To ward off the “lack of” this year, I signed up for five sessions with a personal trainer that I have used on and off for a number of years. This time, workout routines were needed so that when I visited the local YMCA, I didn’t stand in the middle of the gym, wondering what to do next. It’s been going well: Yesterday was my last session with the trainer; however, in the meantime, I have been visiting the Y, going for walks outside, and even jumped back in the pool to swim laps. Am I as fit as a female Rocky or Arnold? God no…will never be… but as long as I’m upright and moving, it’s all good.

Speaking of signals or motivation or divine guidance, I’ve also resumed the crafty and somewhat artistic side of myself the last month. It started with a friend (a long-ago art major in college) asking if I would go to a “paint and sip” class with him. Hmmm…

I agreed with trepidation (I draw stick figures), went to class, and found out I wasn’t half bad with acrylics. Not a Rembrandt, but not half bad. Maybe better than a 5th grader.

Friend’s half of the painting is on the left, mine is on the right.

Then, my Monday night ladies’ group organized their own “paint and sip,” which was an opportunity to improve (or to just be messy and eat the yummy food everyone brought). I don’t “sip” when painting because an outcome under the influence of an unsteady hand might be somewhat questionable.

I’ve since returned to a second local painting class with said friend, but he also helped me paint the background for a button project that I came across on Facebook. Couldn’t stop thinking about it.

This was the original, artist unknown.

The following gallery contains photos of the various steps I took to create my own version of the original. It is not quite the same (that’s okay) and not quite complete, but very close.

This project has been so enjoyable, although gluing everything onto the canvas was a bit time-consuming. I’m debating about doing a smaller version for a possible Christmas gift, but that may wait until later in the year. In the meantime, the painting and art project has me eager to get back to scrapbooking and bible journaling as they give me joy and peace. Most likely, I will join my friend again for another “paint and sip,” but have to keep in mind that there is not a lot of room to store paintings in an apartment, especially the ones I deem not suitable for display.

And then…

The only other signal I have listened to lately is the one that says, “Go Mary. Go for a bike ride. Go for a walk. Be outside, enjoy the sun, and smell the coming of spring!”

Oh yeah, I absolutely will!

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is the brainchild of author Linda G. Hill. Every Friday, Linda provides her followers with an inspiring blogger’s prompt. It can be a word or words and sometimes bonus points are involved (my favorite). Linda asks us to write without editing, other than correcting spelling errors.

Just go with the flow.

Like a babbling brook or rain drops. Click HERE if this type of writing floats your boat or helps with your decision-making. Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “signa…” Find a word that starts with “signa” and use it in your post. Enjoy!

41 responses to #SoCS: The Signals to Get Up and Do

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Thanks Judy! I truly enjoy creating the artsy/craftsy projects. Not sure why I let that sit for so long, but happy to be leaning back into it

  1. Dan Antion says:

    I think your artwork is quite good, Mary and I really like that button project. Getting up and doing is good advice for early spring. We all need to start doing because we’re all Gibbs inside.

    I hope you enjoy the warm weather that’s coming, and get out on that bike. Enjoy the weekend, whatever the weather, but maybe do something where you can sip (safely).

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I’ll be “sipping” tonight, Dan. Friends and I are getting together for game night. Don’t need a steady hand for that! 😉

      Thanks for the positive comments about my attempts at art. The obsessive/compulsive, perfectionistic side of me needs to hear it. We will have highs in the 60’s this Monday through Wednesday, so biking will occur as long as the winds aren’t 20 mph. Either way, I will be outside, even if it’s to go grocery shopping or for a walk. Happy Saturday!

      • Dan Antion says:

        Isn’t it nice being retired? Remember the days when we had crummy weekends and then nice weather on days we had to work. This is better.

      • bikerchick57 says:

        Oh, yes, I do remember the beautiful, sunny afternoons sitting at work, looking at spreadsheets, wondering why I wasn’t outside on the bike. Now when that happens, it’s not because of work, but because I have chosen to do some other fun thing. Retirement is awesome!

  2. beth says:

    lovely work and I really, really get this. I’ll be retiring the end of June, and want to just sit down for a minute, and then get up and get doing again. like you, I believe that opportunities present them selves and I’m open to them

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Congratulation on your pending retirement, Beth! You will probably find that this chapter of your life can be busy, but very fulfilling. Have fun with any opportunities you choose to embrace.

      • beth says:

        exactly as I imagine it will be, a few more months, and then – who knows what is next?

  3. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    It’s so good to get up and get active Mary and I love your painting and your button project – they both look fabulous! 🧡 xxx

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Thanks Xenia! I do prefer to be active outside in spring, summer and fall. In the winter, though, I have to work a bit harder at moving and doing. I know what I will be doing next winter – art projects and visiting the Y – or so I hope the motivation continues. Have a lovely day and weekend. 🙂 ❤

  4. lois says:

    The button project is nice! I’ve not seen something like that before, but it looks wonderful. Don’t sell yourself short, Mary. Your artwork is impressive.
    I hear you on going to the gym. I worked at a fitness center (in the office) for a number of years before I decided to use my free membership. I am just not a ‘group workout’ kinda gal.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I actually miss my hot yoga classes, but prefer not to workout at the gym in a group. I’m just fine on my own and usually end up with mostly guys at the weight machines. I wish more women would feel comfortable with that because the guys don’t bite and they do not laugh that their 80 lb weight is my 30 lb weight.
      Thanks for the lovely comments about the artwork. I appreciate it, Lois! ❤

  5. Pied Type says:

    Paint and sip sounds like great, relaxing fun; you and your friend seem to have very similar styles.The button thing is adorable and so original, but I’ve no idea where one gets so many different buttons.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      You can find a variety of buttons at craft/fabric stores like Michaels and JoAnne’s. Wal-Mart too. I happened to be at JoAnne’s when they had a “buy three, get two free” sale, so it wasn’t as expensive as it could have been. And now I have extra buttons, so I could make a smaller version of this or something new.

  6. Laura says:

    Love that you’re listening to the signals. Your paint/button project looks beautiful. I like that Gibbs encourages you to find time for rest and recovery as well. 🙂

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Gibbs and Hoshi both encourage me to nap on occasion and rest so they can sit on my lap and purr for a few moments. Thank you for the kind feedback about the button project.

  7. I MAY relax and just be old and disabled when LIMBO is finished. Until then, I have to keep working because I’m ALREADY old and disabled, and legacy is better if you finish the darn thing.

    But I do have to get back to the pool…

    The OH is causing a lot of pain/grief in his inability to provide me a couple of necessary tax numbers, and now I’m wondering whether I’m going to have to be the caretaker. It’s a terrifying thought. I can, BARELY, take care of myself.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I hope you can find time to relax, get to the pool and resolve your issues with the tax numbers and taking care of yourself.

  8. Oh, and your art is really up to snuff. It is good to be self-critical, but not to the point of not realizing what you’re doing is far above what most people even attempt. Keep at it, and the exercise, and enjoy!

  9. MR says:

    I really like your ability with the acrylics, M-J !! – do more, much more ! Some studies of Gibbs (and even Hoshi !) should challenge you: get him outside— oh .. does he GO outside ? I don’t even know if you have one. An ‘outside’, I mean: a garden of any kind ? If not, then you can set up some kind of floral studio as a background, and pose him against it. There now ! – I’ve supplied you with all the necessary thinking. [grin]

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I have nice-sized balcony that I chicken-wired when moving in with Natasha. Starting in May, the flowers are planted in pots and eventually becomes a little outside paradise for both Gibbs and Hoshi. The boy will go out there during the winter months, if it’s not freezing cold, but only for five minutes. I think he’s checking to make sure his space is still there, but gets quickly bored.
      Thanks for the positivity about the art. I don’t do well drawing from scratch, but can do the painting nights with direction from the instructors. Going to go again soon when I see something I like.

  10. Sadje says:

    Both the artwork/ paintings are beautiful Mary. Doing strength training is such a rewarding use of resources and time. Bravo 👏🏼

  11. dweezer19 says:

    That’s just lovely Mary. Congrats on figuring out how to stretch those creative limbs as well as the body!

  12. Ally Bean says:

    I don’t like gyms. I’ve had more negative experiences than positive ones so I’m pleased to learn you’re having a good experience. Now if your gym could just transport itself to here, I’d give it a try.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I go to one of the smaller Y’s, which is the closest. When I go mid afternoon, it’s fairly quiet. And they seem to do a good job with keeping it clean. Sorry you have had bad experiences, it definitely wouldn’t make me want to go back.

  13. Your art projects are so lovely! Seeing and reading about your process makes me want to try it out. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken the opportunity to do arts and crafts, and I feel like it would be interesting to see how my current self dos things differently. Stunning pictures, too! And wow, the glorious life of Gibbs the cat! Don’t we all feel the urge to just curl up into a ball and take a long nap on the couch?

    • bikerchick57 says:

      It’s only 10:00 am here and I am already thinking of a nap…lol. Too much to do, though, including getting the spare bedroom to look more like an art room and less like a cat room. Time to go thrifting and find what I need…after house cleaning!

      Thanks for the affirming comment about the art projects. This has given me new life in creative pursuits, even with writing. The only issue is time, but I think you know about that! 😉

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