#SoCS: The Five L’s and a Straw

Hey Gibbs! Gibbs! *sigh* What was the sigh for? Oh, Hoshi, why are you always compelled to wake me when I’m napping? You sleep too much. Whatever. What do you want? I lost my straw. Have you seen it? Yeah, it was in your mouth. Very funny. I know it was in my mouth, but I can’t find it now. I don’t remember the last place I played with the straw. Hoshi, you have a million things to play withRead more

#SoCS: Anyway Times Two

Gibbs and Hoshi fill in for the human…discussing chicken, Christmas and being a cat, among other things. Anyway… What did you say, little peanut? Nothing…maybe something…I said “anyway. Anyway.” And what is that supposed to mean? I dunno. I heard the big, tall one say that. You mean “mom,” the human? Is that what we call it? I didn’t know. I only know it gives me food and cuddles and lets me sleep under the covers. SHE is not anRead more

#SoCS: Icing on the Cake

Mmmmm…cake. Chocolate cake, lemon cake, carrot cake, any cake. Icing is a great part of cake, but please don’t give me the sicky-sweet stuff. I prefer fluffy not-so-sweet icing that enhances the cake rather than overpowers it. But I digress. For now, I have to stay away from cake and lose the pounds that it and all of the holiday treats added to my waistline. Instead, I’ll focus on a different kind of icing…the type that makes life a littleRead more

#SoCS: Mini Mouse

Gibbs the cat here! I’ll be taking over for the human today. She didn’t quite know what to do with the SoCS prompt of mini/maxi and I understand. I was scratching my ears too until I spied the mini mouse (one of many) at the foot of the cat tree. Mini mouse and her brothers and sisters are some of my favorite toys. The little things bat around easily and never squeak, not even when they’re in the clutches ofRead more

SoCS: Lots of Means, No Ways

I haven’t blogged since October 31st. That means I might have been a little busy. With other things. Like a Risk Management Conference in Madison on the first two days in November. This means that I was able to fill my bag with goodies from the vendor booths, like pads of paper and post-it notes, pens, chip clips, squeezie penguins, more pens, tote bags, highlighters, little plastic calendars, and leftover Halloween treats. Scratch that last one. Being on a part-Keto,Read more

National Cat (ur) Day!

Hey, pssst, Gibbs! Do you know what day it is today? Ummm…Queenie, it’s 1:00 a.m. and I’m trying to sleep. Why are you asking me stupid questions? It’s not a stupid question and don’t give me that crap about trying to sleep. You wake the human when she’s trying to sleep and that doesn’t seem to matter. That’s different. Well, okay, you can tell yourself that and believe, but I’d like you to answer my question. Do you know theRead more

Rump Roast

“Boredom: The desire for desires.” ~Leo Tolstoy~ Queen Ziva:  I’m bored. Jester Gibbs:  What do you want me to do about it? Queen Z: It’s your fault that I’m bored. J Gibbs: *huff* Queen Z: What’s that suppose to mean? J Gibbs: You’re as bad as the humans…blaming me for everything. Queen Z: That’s because you are to blame for everything. J Gibbs: *huff* Queen Z: Face it, you deserve the blame. You can’t control yourself. If there’s a doorRead more

An Update of Sorts

In breaking news…Gibbs hung the mouse early Tuesday morning. Again. Third strike, buddy. That’s 10 to life under the watchful eye of your human and no treats until I say so. (The tossing of paper off the computer table was ignored due to lack of injury or insult.)Read more

Cat Commandments

My Confession: Sometimes I DO ignore Gibbs and Ziva (but they always get even). I don’t spend the majority of my paycheck on cat gifts and toys. But, really, who else would get the kids a toy called Marie Rattoinette? Huh? *sheepishly, they agree* You know, I’ve had other cats before you. It is the way it is in the life of a feline lover. You both would have loved fat Willie (he was a beautiful soul), although the Queen would have had toRead more

Kit Kat Junkie

No, not me. I am the Oreo junkie, remember? It’s mom. She’s the Kit Kat junkie. And it’s my fault. In the past few years, mom’s taste buds have packed their suitcase and gone on vacation. The buds return at times, long enough to savor an adult refreshment or a ham sandwich. For the most part, though, they either betray or stay away. The vacant taste buds make it especially difficult to find a snack or treat that mom can enjoyRead more

Dark Diva

The Manifesto of a Queen I bear the burden of being a cat. And a Queen no less. The human calls me Diva. My soul stirs, it longs to be free. Free from the confines of this dwelling. Free from the darkness. Free from dry kibble. I have never understood the dry kibble. It is so…dry. I only crunch this hard tack to stay strong. Where is the moistness of the food that humans eat or the moistness of theRead more

Anything You Desire

  If you have not had a small treat today, what are you waiting for? It doesn’t have to be Thursday. It doesn’t have to be the 12th day of the month. Any day works. Anything you desire works. What is YOUR small treat? What aids and abets your happy life?  Read more