Hoshi, the Star Trek Cat

For those of you who follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you already know I did a “thing” on Friday and adopted an eight-week old kitten, who I have named Hoshi. She’s adorbs and a handful. I had forgotten how crazy active a kitten can be and Hoshi gets the award for living up to that standard. I dare you to try and pick her up when she’s in the heat of play…if you can actually catch her. Hoshi meansRead more

Checking in with Priorities

“Instead of saying ‘I don’t have time,’ try saying ‘it’s not a priority,’ and see how that feels. Often, that’s a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron my sheets, I just don’t want to. Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. If we don’t like how we’re spending an hour, we can choose differently.”― Wall Street Journal Let me be honest. Blogging hasn’t been a priority of late. I could say that I don’t have timeRead more

An Observation of Fantasy TV

Natasha and I have had an ongoing observation. A question, really. “How come we could never drink at work?” It comes from viewing the fantasy of television and movies, where there’s never an inappropriate time or place to have a drink. On NCIS, Director Vance has a stock of adult refreshment in plain view and will occasionally offer a dram of golden liquid to one of his employees. On A Discovery of Witches, the vampire drinks red wine in hisRead more

An Empty Cup

“There is a hell lot of a difference between a quiet mind and an empty mind.” ~Soshail Akash~ I have a somewhat quiet mind right now. It’s Sunday, as I type. November 3rd. The football game is on mute because our guys aren’t having a good start and I’m trying a little professional sports voodoo. I’ll let you know in a minute if it worked. Having a quiet mind is not easy to do. The thoughts. And the more thoughts.Read more

SoCS: So Far or As Of?

So far, it’s been quite the week for her. As of early Monday morning, March 5th, 2018, it hit without much warning. She knew she was in trouble, but not to what extent. It didn’t seem quite so powerful then, certainly not enough to keep her home from work. On Monday afternoon, trouble grew. Into tiredness, inability to think, her chest tightening,a cough developing. Quitting time became an hour before quitting time. That’s all she wrote. In her mind, she’dRead more

One Liner Wednesday: It’s TV!

“It’s TV!” Natasha and I say this to each other quite often. It usually comes when we’re watching Star Trek or a number of other shows we like, and the characters either do something questionable or the writing doesn’t make sense. I’ll give you a few scenarious: Scenario #1: Have you ever watched an old western, or a more recent crime-fighting show, where the handguns shoot all day and never seem to be in need of a re-load? It’s especiallyRead more

Questionable TV

Have you ever watched a TV show and asked yourself serious questions such as: Did you notice that cowboy shot eight times from his six-shooter? That woman was six feet away from the bus when it blew up, but she didn’t die. Is that possible? How can you have an endless supply of space shuttles when you keep crash-landing them? Does the replicator make new shuttles and spare parts? How can a car fly five feet in the air, landRead more


Definition: Verklempt is a Yiddish word that means “overcome with emotion.” Pronounced “fer-klempt,” people use it when they are so emotional that they’re on the verge of tears or at a loss for words due to their emotional state. I came across this word over 20 years ago, watching Mike Myers portray a caricature of his Jewish mother-in-law, Linda Richman, on Saturday Night Live. I think about this word every time the National Anthem plays at a sporting event. EveryRead more

Snapshots from a Gym

“This week, I challenge you to mark your phone as off limits. Rather than giving into the urge to take a picture, write down your impressions of the scene. Who’s around? How does the air feel? What sounds do you hear? What emotions are you experiencing?” Two blocks away it stands. A gym waiting for my presence. Brick, mortar and the tall glass windows that surround the pool and the parking lot that doesn’t quite fit on a busy MondayRead more