Life, Death, Resurrection

Life Bitterroot. Surprise Lilies. Two plants in nature that know resurrection. Both deliver leaves in early spring, then die back.  Dead as a doornail…or so it seems. Two or three months later, a stem of the bitterroot and surprise lily sprouts from the ground and pretty white, pink or purple flowers come to life. Resurrection of a sort. I suppose you can say that the plant never really died, it simply found new life after a long nap. Scientifically, bothRead more

#SoCS: Misplaced Confidence

Sometimes… Things don’t go as planned. Or expected. And the confidence we start with takes a dirty tumble. As in expecting the first snowfall to wait until December and it shows up on Halloween instead. As in when you expect a naughty cat to stop being naughty or a whiny cat to stop being whiny when company comes over. Nope, not gonna happen. When the confidence of biking 20 miles on a gorgeous autumn day, after not having been onRead more

#SoCS: At Least it’s Mostly a Sonnet

Nature, the earth, calls to those who listen From autumn leaves to dew drops that glisten Canopies of green, a cathedral’s arch A wavy breeze across white daises march The world awaits with a beckoning call Mostly desirous of wildflower sprawl Mountains glorious, waters jeweled blue Trails of copper stone, plateaus with a view No matter man’s lofty line of concrete The peace of majestic beauty entreats With the softness of whispering tall grass Winter’s snow, agates reflecting like glassRead more

#SoCS: Profound and Pink

She steps out into the morning sun, a growing child of five, taking in the warmth of spring and new beginnings. The child heads to her love, a pink bike that sits in the corner of the yard, the one thing that brings adventure to her life as the tires spin across the grass and gravel. The sun beckons her down the block, across the cracks of sidewalk cement and slowly, across decades, she ages into her real self, theRead more

What Day is it?

Today is Labor Day in the United States, so I’ll start off by saying “thank you” to those who are enjoying a day off from their jobs. As of September 1st, I haven’t had to acknowledge this holiday for two years, unless an invitation to a picnic is involved. It’s just another day off to anyone who is retired. Every so often, I wake up in a need-for-caffeine fog and wonder, “What day is it?” Because one can lose senseRead more

#SoCS: Trails are the Easy Part

For this week’s Stream of Consciousness, Linda G. Hill has made it easy for me to post: “Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “trail/trial.” Use one, use both, use them any way you’d like. Bonus points if you use both. Have fun!” First and foremost, I will not be responding to trial. There’s a celebrity trial going on right now (haven’t watched a second of it) that is much in the media and seemingly never-ending. I think thisRead more

#WATWB: A Home for Soldiers

While biking on vacation a week ago, my girlfriend and I came across the Milwaukee Soldiers Home along the Hank Aaron State Trail. This home is a national historic landmark dating back to post Civil War. From the webside via the link above: “The Milwaukee Soldiers Home was built in 1867 as a place of healing for veterans returning from the Civil War. As one of his last acts, President Lincoln signed legislation to create a national system of homesRead more

#SoCS: Deja Vu in a Least Favorite Word

For today’s Stream of Consciousness submission, Linda G. Hill asks us to write a post with our least favorite word or one that bugs the heck out of our sensibilities. I first thought of the following unlikeable words: Liver, Algebra, Covid, Hate and Death. However, some of my readers already know I hate liver and algegra; I find Covid to be tiring and overwhelming; and both hate and death are not what I want to write about today. I foundRead more

#CBWC: Walking, Hiking

This week’s entry for Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge (CBWC) includes photos of places to walk or hike. The majority of photos were taken while I was on the bike (naturally), but the trails and reserves in the Fox Cities host walkers, hikers, and bicyclists. We have a plethora of nature’s beauty to choose from. Join the fun of black and white photography by clicking on the link at the beginning of the post. Details and weekly themes canRead more

With Freedom’s Light and Voice

My country, ‘ tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing;Land where my fathers died,Land of the pilgrims’ pride,From every mountainside let freedom ring! It is election day in a democratic country. Of all days in the United States, it is one to reflect on our liberty and freedom. Given to us by our forefathers after a hard-fought battle, liberty and freedom of voice, choice, faith and the ability to live our lives in equality is a constitutionalRead more

Trails of Black and White

This week’s black and white photo challenge from Cee’s Photography calls for patterns in nature. Click HERE to join in this outdoor challenge. I find incredible beauty when I’m on a walking/bike trail; therefore, the photos are reflective of three local trails – the Wiouwash, Mountain Bay and Heckrodt Wetland Reserve. I hope you enjoy!Read more

Winter Walk in the Flats

This past weekend was gorgeous, weather wise, for February in Wisconsin. Highs in the upper 30’s, close to 40F (4.4C). Blue skies. Glorious sun. Saturday was a perfect day for a winter walk in the Flats of Appleton, along the Fox River. People and their dogs and kids and one guy on his bicycle, relieving a bit of cabin fever. I’ll let the photos and descriptions do the talking. Click on any photo to enter the gallery and have anRead more