#SoCS: Musings Over Aging and Long Big Toes

Aren’t the beautiful flowers of the field great? It’s spring in the northern hemisphere and I’m anxiously waiting to go flower shopping with biking buddy, planting, gardening, and seeing the fruits of our labor. But this isn’t what the post is about. I couldn’t find a pertinent lead photo on the internet for the topic at hand, so we just had a very time out. Have you seen the Marie Osmond commercial for a joint supplement to help with painRead more

The Sleeplessness of Whatever

Can anyone relate to eyes wide open at night? Having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep? As a child, teenager, and adult before menopause and increasing age, I never had an issue with sleep. Earlier in life, I could fall asleep sitting up. I would fall asleep in the passenger seat of a car during nighttime drives with the then husband. I would sleep for 8-9 hours without ever waking up due to the condition of a bladder. And IRead more

#SoCS: My Smart “Cheeky Little Monkey”

Yeah, I know…today’s Stream of Consciousness prompt is not smart, cheeky, little or monkey. It is “WATCH,” as offered by the lovely Linda G. Hill. I’ll get to that soon enough. I’ve given Hoshi this very English moniker due to her naughtiness, but have determined she is also a very smart little shit. This is the ongoing story of keeping her out of the kitchen via a constructed fence wall. You would have seen this photo in my last post,Read more

#CFFC: Blue, White and Catching Up

It’s Monday, December 18th, and six days from Christmas Eve. Are you ready? I believe I am. In the last two weeks, presents were shipped to the brother and significant other, cookies were made/shared/eaten with friends, a Christmas concert provided holiday entertainment, a Christmas Round Robin was hosted, a mix of pink and purple was added to gray hair, there was a massage, a few drinks, too much food, etc. Tons of fun! Today, I have a little time toRead more

#SoCS: The Margarita Incident

“The crowning of Christ happens again and again in our hearts among confession and tears, and great laughter.” ~Frederick Buechner~ You are already wondering what this quote has to do with today’s prompt of “hum” or margaritas. Right? The above was the quote in a birthday card I received this past week from one of the pastors at my church. He and I get together for coffee once in awhile so that we may (almost) solve the world’s problems, ruminateRead more

The Murder Hole Doorway

Hey Dan and Door People! I don’t get here often due to an ongoing Thursday friend date, but a recent vacation gave me fodder for one or two or three door posts. So, I am going to squeeze them in as time permits, starting with a doorway/hole that has an interesting story. In March of 2021, roommate Natasha moved into her own space, a duplex with a basement. The basement was a little creepy and it included a crawl spaceRead more

#SoCS and #TDWC: Left Alone Consternation

Many thanks to Cheryl Pennington for her consternating door. It inspired the cats and I with a feeble last attempt at the Thursday Door Writing Challenge and an opportunity to include Stream of Consciousness Saturday, all rolled into a tight little package. “You had better prepare, Hoshi.” “Prepare for what Gibbs?” “In a week, mom will be gone for awhile and different humans will be coming to feed us.” “Why is that?” “Mom is going on vacation.” “What is that?”Read more

#SoCS: Overbudget

May isn’t halfway over yet and I’m a bit overbudget. I think it started in April, actually. I bought a new bike. The bike needed a different bike seat. I finally decided to buy a bike carrier and two-inch receiver so that biking buddy didn’t always have to bear that load on her vehicle. A good bike carrier is not cheap, but it should last the rest of my biking days. Then I bought new, longer bike shorts because lastRead more

#SoCS: Random Questions from the Heart

In today’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday, Linda Hill asks that participating bloggers use the word “heart” in their post. Naturally, I assume Linda is thinking about Valentine’s Day, coming up this Tuesday. I don’t celebrate the holiday because A) I am single and B) have a healthy supply of chocolate that makes every day Valentine’s Day. That being said, I am at a loss what to write about today because A) I don’t want to write anything mushy about feelingsRead more

#SoCS is Out of the Box

After three weeks of non-blogging due to holiday madness, I’m back to explore Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness prompt: The first thing that comes to mind when I think of “out of the box.” I’m looking like Hoshi at the moment. A little bit clueless, a little bit waiting for someone to present my next meal. Hoshi is wondering why Linda G. Hill didn’t make this prompt about “in the box,” because she and Gibbs would have a lotRead more

Hoshi, the Star Trek Cat

For those of you who follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you already know I did a “thing” on Friday and adopted an eight-week old kitten, who I have named Hoshi. She’s adorbs and a handful. I had forgotten how crazy active a kitten can be and Hoshi gets the award for living up to that standard. I dare you to try and pick her up when she’s in the heat of play…if you can actually catch her. Hoshi meansRead more

Mr. Inconsiderate

How dare you be inconsiderate when I try to capture your face How dare you ignore the pleadings to turn and face left How dare you look at the floor A creamy blank space How dare you curl your body in striking bereft I know what you do laying there with no shame You laugh You tease at failed attempts Until at last without thought you appear in frame How dare you capture me, staring in contempt Mr. Gibbs andRead more