Life, Death, Resurrection

Life Bitterroot. Surprise Lilies. Two plants in nature that know resurrection. Both deliver leaves in early spring, then die back.  Dead as a doornail…or so it seems. Two or three months later, a stem of the bitterroot and surprise lily sprouts from the ground and pretty white, pink or purple flowers come to life. Resurrection of a sort. I suppose you can say that the plant never really died, it simply found new life after a long nap. Scientifically, bothRead more

#SoCS: For as Long as They Both Shall Live

Phhhfffttt!!! What’s the matter Gibbs? Hoshi. Uh-huh. She’s a twit. Uh-huh. Is that all you can say uh-huh? What would you like me to say, buddy? Say that you’re taking her back to wherever she came from. I can’t do that. Why not? Because like you, Mr. Gibbs, I adopted her. Yeah, so? So, I don’t take back kitties after I adopt them. No matter what. Can you make an exception? No. What is this about? She has been hereRead more

#SoCS and #TDWC: Left Alone Consternation

Many thanks to Cheryl Pennington for her consternating door. It inspired the cats and I with a feeble last attempt at the Thursday Door Writing Challenge and an opportunity to include Stream of Consciousness Saturday, all rolled into a tight little package. “You had better prepare, Hoshi.” “Prepare for what Gibbs?” “In a week, mom will be gone for awhile and different humans will be coming to feed us.” “Why is that?” “Mom is going on vacation.” “What is that?”Read more

#TDWC: The Eden of our Own Making

Thank you, Susan Rushton, for your inspiring door! Welcome! C’mon in! We are here to acknowledge and celebrate your humanity, no matter who you are. Black, brown, white; male or female; Christian, Muslim, atheist; whatever sexuality or identity; addict or teetotaler; the guy who doesn’t take care of the yard or the woman who bakes cookies for the neighbors; left or right; near or far. We are all friends and neighbors here. We all love one another here. Without question.Read more

#SoCS: Stream and Scene Business

Hey, Old Gray Guy! I have a name, Hoshi. I know, just messing with you. What do you want that you would wake me from my slumber? We have an assignment from the human, Gibbs, and I’m not sure how to comply. Really? You never comply. With anything. Ha, ha, very funny. I thought so. Let’s get serious here, she wants this done by Saturday morning. The human says that we have to “stream,” whatever that means, and make itRead more

#SoCS: Anyway Times Two

Gibbs and Hoshi fill in for the human…discussing chicken, Christmas and being a cat, among other things. Anyway… What did you say, little peanut? Nothing…maybe something…I said “anyway. Anyway.” And what is that supposed to mean? I dunno. I heard the big, tall one say that. You mean “mom,” the human? Is that what we call it? I didn’t know. I only know it gives me food and cuddles and lets me sleep under the covers. SHE is not anRead more

#SoCS: No, Not Me

No matter what you believe, I am not bored. No, not me. I was simply checking in with the sun. The warm sun. Making sure all was okay. Good news! It was sunny and warm and bright and warm and yellow and warm. It made me sleepy for awhile. But I’m not bored. Gibbs is not bored. He’s just very old. Hey…wait a minute peanut… Old people and old cats need lots of naps or they get grumpy. I’m gonnaRead more

#SoCS: He’s Still Hungry

“Whatever…” “Gibbs. I told you when you are fed. I cannot feed you any time you desire.” “Whatever…” “Seriously, dude?” “Aren’t you my servant and don’t you obey me at all times?” “That’s funny. Actually, it’s a joke that humans tell themselves. It’s only true in that we serve you meals, give you pets and skritches, and make sure you are healthy and loved. It’s not obeying, it’s taking care of a furry little being that doesn’t have opposable thumbsRead more

An Inanimate Conversation

In the grocery store parking lot, on a Monday afternoon, I asked myself the following question: “Am I the only one who talks to inanimate objects?” This came after I told a shopping bag to behave. I was trying to put two plastic bags into one of the many reusable shopping bags I have in the car and it was not cooperating. It’s possible that quietly yelling at the bag out loud finally forced it into submission. There were noRead more

Blessings and Boxing Day

“Hey buddy, what are you doing?” “What do you mean what am I doing?” Can’t you see I’m requesting a belly rub through trust and the lure of cuteness.” “Well, you certainly are adorable, Gibbs. A lover, not a fighter.” “I don’t fight, I play. And sleep. And kindly request food. And let you loudly know when I left something in the litter box.” “Yeah, that last one. You are a blessing to me, buddy, but I don’t need thatRead more

#SoCS: Explaining “Lid” to a Cat

“Are you okay today?” “Yes Gibbs, why do you ask?” “Because a few days ago, you didn’t seem okay.” “When was that?” “The day when you went out on that thing with two wheels. When you put on different clothes and left for a few hours.” “Oh, you mean when I went for a bike ride and came home with green paint down one arm and on most of my fingers?” “I guess. You seemed pretty mad.” “Yeah, I blewRead more

#SoCS: Luck be a Whiner at Home

“Mooommmeeeooowww!” “Oh Gibbs…” “What Mooommmeeeooowww?” “Why are you whining so dang much?” “I’m not whining, I’m crying.” “Cats don’t cry, not in the human sense.” “My heart is breaking.” “Why?” “You’ve been gone far too much lately. Not home. Absent from the couch, where I lay on your lap.” “I’m living my life and enjoying the summer with other humans.” “What about meeeeeeeee?” “Gibbs, I can’t stay home 24 hours a day, every day. That would be boring and unhealthy.”Read more