#SoCS: For as Long as They Both Shall Live

Phhhfffttt!!! What’s the matter Gibbs? Hoshi. Uh-huh. She’s a twit. Uh-huh. Is that all you can say uh-huh? What would you like me to say, buddy? Say that you’re taking her back to wherever she came from. I can’t do that. Why not? Because like you, Mr. Gibbs, I adopted her. Yeah, so? So, I don’t take back kitties after I adopt them. No matter what. Can you make an exception? No. What is this about? She has been hereRead more

#SoCS: Meat is Lovelier than a Tree

We think that we shall never see A food as lovely as a meat A meat whose hungry mouth is ours Chicken’s sweet flowing breast we shall devour A meat that meets our gaze all day, And lifts its succulent wings to pray; A meat on the kitchen counter thus A tasty morsel to steal for us Upon servant’s woe, we press choice Who metes correction with raised voice Poems are bastardized by fools and cats But only meat’s DNARead more

#SoCS: Anyway Times Two

Gibbs and Hoshi fill in for the human…discussing chicken, Christmas and being a cat, among other things. Anyway… What did you say, little peanut? Nothing…maybe something…I said “anyway. Anyway.” And what is that supposed to mean? I dunno. I heard the big, tall one say that. You mean “mom,” the human? Is that what we call it? I didn’t know. I only know it gives me food and cuddles and lets me sleep under the covers. SHE is not anRead more

#SoCS: No, Not Me

No matter what you believe, I am not bored. No, not me. I was simply checking in with the sun. The warm sun. Making sure all was okay. Good news! It was sunny and warm and bright and warm and yellow and warm. It made me sleepy for awhile. But I’m not bored. Gibbs is not bored. He’s just very old. Hey…wait a minute peanut… Old people and old cats need lots of naps or they get grumpy. I’m gonnaRead more

Hoshi, the Star Trek Cat

For those of you who follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you already know I did a “thing” on Friday and adopted an eight-week old kitten, who I have named Hoshi. She’s adorbs and a handful. I had forgotten how crazy active a kitten can be and Hoshi gets the award for living up to that standard. I dare you to try and pick her up when she’s in the heat of play…if you can actually catch her. Hoshi meansRead more

Mr. Inconsiderate

How dare you be inconsiderate when I try to capture your face How dare you ignore the pleadings to turn and face left How dare you look at the floor A creamy blank space How dare you curl your body in striking bereft I know what you do laying there with no shame You laugh You tease at failed attempts Until at last without thought you appear in frame How dare you capture me, staring in contempt Mr. Gibbs andRead more

#SoCS: He’s Still Hungry

“Whatever…” “Gibbs. I told you when you are fed. I cannot feed you any time you desire.” “Whatever…” “Seriously, dude?” “Aren’t you my servant and don’t you obey me at all times?” “That’s funny. Actually, it’s a joke that humans tell themselves. It’s only true in that we serve you meals, give you pets and skritches, and make sure you are healthy and loved. It’s not obeying, it’s taking care of a furry little being that doesn’t have opposable thumbsRead more

#SoCS: Explaining “Lid” to a Cat

“Are you okay today?” “Yes Gibbs, why do you ask?” “Because a few days ago, you didn’t seem okay.” “When was that?” “The day when you went out on that thing with two wheels. When you put on different clothes and left for a few hours.” “Oh, you mean when I went for a bike ride and came home with green paint down one arm and on most of my fingers?” “I guess. You seemed pretty mad.” “Yeah, I blewRead more

You can touch my paw

Are you kidding me right now? Can you see I’m trying to sleep? Don’t care if you heard a meow It may have been an annoyed peep Let’s get this straight and evenly precise Only I can disturb the daytime snooze Consequence comes when you roll the dice It may involve blood and a bruise I’ll catch you later when it’s time To stretch, yawn and head to the dish This nap will no longer need to rhyme As youRead more

Prising Gibbs

“Try to prise a limpet away from its rock and it will cling all the harder.” ― Jeremy Holme A limpet is a marine mollusk. I have a cat who will serve as its stand-in. Some days, prising Gibbs away from my side requires a chisel and pry bar. I am his rock with a thin coating of super glue. Where I go, he goes. When I sit, there he is – gray paws kneading rhythmically on a pair of LeeRead more

The Tracks of my Toes

Here I go in winter’s snow dancing to and fro telling my prints where to go I dig a hole to what’s below beyond the snow it excites me so But then I go because here it’s cold outside the window I’m not that bold The tracks of my toes will forever show I played with gusto then quit the show in winter’s snowRead more

Schooled by a Cat

“Laziness is the first step towards efficiency.” ~Patrick Bennett~ Gibbs has been schooling me on being lazy. On the advantages of sleeping and laying around. Doing what I want. Eating, watching TV, eating again, scrolling through social media, watching more TV. And not feeling guilty about it. He recently gave me a “B” for my efforts and said I had to work on a few things. Like not making the bed and taking more naps. I told him the bed-makingRead more