Gravy Goes With Everything

My earliest memory of Pauline was of her standing on top of a chair, screaming as a mouse ran across the floor. This would not have been the usual, stoic, keep-it-together mom that was obvious to me later in life. I do not remember other episodes of this woman being hysterical, losing it to furry critters or when life was a bit topsy-turvey. I seldom saw my mother sweat, but perhaps growing up the youngest girl in a family ofRead more

Between the Cotton Sheets

Her muffled, fearful yelp woke him. “Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked as his hand fell softly across the ivory of her shoulder. “Did you have a nightmare?” “Yes, it was awful. I was living in a house with snakes.” “Really? That sounds incredibly creepy.” Margo rolled over onto her right side, toward her love, the angst of a slithery dream still fresh on her face. “It was so weird, as if living with snakes was normal. They were everywhere –Read more

Irrational Steak and Taters

“Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving and identity.” ~Jonathan Safran Foer~ Steak and potatoes are culture Smoky, charred, creamy and pure Eaten by a hungry human vulture Chocolate is serious habit That demands a daily hit or she shall have a crying fit Mac and cheese is a bowl of craving This affliction needs saving Of thee melty cheddar we sing Food is part of our identity We consume pancakes with glee To eat, to drink, toRead more

Al’s Lonely Goatherd

“High on a hill was a lonely goatherd” Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo (from the movie “The Sound of Music”) One cannot spend time in Door County, Wisconsin, without passing the iconic Al Johnson’s Swedish Restaurant. They are noted for their Swedish pancakes and goats on a grassy roof. Al Johnson’s has been around for over 65 years, which means that theRead more

Yep, I did.

I went for a walk in the mall today For I shall not scream disgust when I weigh I walked through food court and down the first wing Past closed stores of clothing and bright, shiny things I had a partner in tow Natasha, friend not foe Her daughter came too (I wanted to rhyme this with loo) Behold the muse is ahead The T-shirt that has been in my head Every time we walk in the mall I seeRead more

Natasha’s Challenge

Natasha and I have a new Saturday morning routine. We are mall walkers. Food court at 8:30 a.m. is where we meet. Natasha sets her Gym Boss, I start the pedometer on the cell phone and off we go for three laps around the inside caverns of the mall. As we solve the world’s problems and a few of our own on this walk, the colors of clothes, shoes and underwear pass us by and the undelightful smell of AbercrombieRead more

Of Pancakes and Puppies

I was tired and hungry this morning when the alarm went off at 5:20 a.m. In addition to putting in eight hours of work yesterday, I swam 40 lengths of the pool; climbed stairs several times while helping my friend, Natasha, plant flower boxes; had a couple glasses of wine; and stayed up past my bedtime catching up on the last two shows of NCIS. (As an aside, I ❤ NCIS and I am happy that the ghost of MikeRead more