#SoCS: The Ring that Takes us Back

Ring, circle, loop, wheel… I’m not sure what it is about the coming of autumn. Memories ring and hang in the air. I have been drawn to the home of my youth on a number of occasions, but autumn always takes me back to the lake. Shadow Lake. Where I used to spend many summer days, tanning with the Coppertone lotion that may have had a sunblock of 5 or a sunburn of 5. I didn’t sunburn as a child,Read more

Home of the Sun Worshipper

Weekly Photo Challenge: This week, show us where your heart is. It’s very interesting that The Daily Post chose the topic of “local” this week and especially today. I took Friday off from work and have spent most of it in my hometown of Waupaca – reliving my youth, finding roots and doing a little local shopping. The picture for this challenge was taken at the beach on Shadow Lake, where I spent the majority of Wisconsin summers growing up, overRead more