#SoCS: The Express Lane

Remember when grocery stores had an express lane, for shoppers with 10-15 items or less, who wanted in and out in a quick hurry? Yeah, unless a shopper was behind THAT person with 30 items in his/her cart, who is either unable to count or doesn’t care about rules and store policy. With that in mind, I am going to attempt an express post, one with photos and not too many words. So you all can get in and outRead more

#SoCS: My Smart “Cheeky Little Monkey”

Yeah, I know…today’s Stream of Consciousness prompt is not smart, cheeky, little or monkey. It is “WATCH,” as offered by the lovely Linda G. Hill. I’ll get to that soon enough. I’ve given Hoshi this very English moniker due to her naughtiness, but have determined she is also a very smart little shit. This is the ongoing story of keeping her out of the kitchen via a constructed fence wall. You would have seen this photo in my last post,Read more

#SoCS: For as Long as They Both Shall Live

Phhhfffttt!!! What’s the matter Gibbs? Hoshi. Uh-huh. She’s a twit. Uh-huh. Is that all you can say uh-huh? What would you like me to say, buddy? Say that you’re taking her back to wherever she came from. I can’t do that. Why not? Because like you, Mr. Gibbs, I adopted her. Yeah, so? So, I don’t take back kitties after I adopt them. No matter what. Can you make an exception? No. What is this about? She has been hereRead more

#SoCS: Misplaced Confidence

Sometimes… Things don’t go as planned. Or expected. And the confidence we start with takes a dirty tumble. As in expecting the first snowfall to wait until December and it shows up on Halloween instead. As in when you expect a naughty cat to stop being naughty or a whiny cat to stop being whiny when company comes over. Nope, not gonna happen. When the confidence of biking 20 miles on a gorgeous autumn day, after not having been onRead more

#SoCS: Meat is Lovelier than a Tree

We think that we shall never see A food as lovely as a meat A meat whose hungry mouth is ours Chicken’s sweet flowing breast we shall devour A meat that meets our gaze all day, And lifts its succulent wings to pray; A meat on the kitchen counter thus A tasty morsel to steal for us Upon servant’s woe, we press choice Who metes correction with raised voice Poems are bastardized by fools and cats But only meat’s DNARead more

#SoCS: The Five L’s and a Straw

Hey Gibbs! Gibbs! *sigh* What was the sigh for? Oh, Hoshi, why are you always compelled to wake me when I’m napping? You sleep too much. Whatever. What do you want? I lost my straw. Have you seen it? Yeah, it was in your mouth. Very funny. I know it was in my mouth, but I can’t find it now. I don’t remember the last place I played with the straw. Hoshi, you have a million things to play withRead more

My Abundance!

“Not what we have, but what we enjoy that constitutes our abundance.” ~Epicurus~ This quote was part of a sermon on Sunday, a message about thankfulness and gratitude. I have had much to enjoy lately, the abundance being the reason why I haven’t been on the blogosphere since early June. Another piece of the message: “Gratitude is hard work, but we don’t fully enjoy something until we give thanks for it.” So, I am thanking my God for the monthRead more

#SoCS and #TDWC: Left Alone Consternation

Many thanks to Cheryl Pennington for her consternating door. It inspired the cats and I with a feeble last attempt at the Thursday Door Writing Challenge and an opportunity to include Stream of Consciousness Saturday, all rolled into a tight little package. “You had better prepare, Hoshi.” “Prepare for what Gibbs?” “In a week, mom will be gone for awhile and different humans will be coming to feed us.” “Why is that?” “Mom is going on vacation.” “What is that?”Read more

#SoCS: Generally Speaking…

I hate technology at times. It’s Friday afternoon and the images I wanted to share are not cooperating. The android is not cooperating. Gmail is not cooperating. Gibbs tells me I’m not cooperating with his eating schedule. Whatever. The washer and dryer ARE cooperating, thank the Lord. Clean clothes are genuinely required. Anyhow, the photo of the bike is now my new bike, without the bike rack, odometer, front and rear lights and water bottle holder that was added atRead more

#SoCS is Out of the Box

After three weeks of non-blogging due to holiday madness, I’m back to explore Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness prompt: The first thing that comes to mind when I think of “out of the box.” I’m looking like Hoshi at the moment. A little bit clueless, a little bit waiting for someone to present my next meal. Hoshi is wondering why Linda G. Hill didn’t make this prompt about “in the box,” because she and Gibbs would have a lotRead more

What Day is it?

Today is Labor Day in the United States, so I’ll start off by saying “thank you” to those who are enjoying a day off from their jobs. As of September 1st, I haven’t had to acknowledge this holiday for two years, unless an invitation to a picnic is involved. It’s just another day off to anyone who is retired. Every so often, I wake up in a need-for-caffeine fog and wonder, “What day is it?” Because one can lose senseRead more

#SoCS: No, Not Me

No matter what you believe, I am not bored. No, not me. I was simply checking in with the sun. The warm sun. Making sure all was okay. Good news! It was sunny and warm and bright and warm and yellow and warm. It made me sleepy for awhile. But I’m not bored. Gibbs is not bored. He’s just very old. Hey…wait a minute peanut… Old people and old cats need lots of naps or they get grumpy. I’m gonnaRead more