SoCS: All Over the Place

Ubiquitous: Everywhere.

In mind and body, this summer has been packed with places to go and things to do. I feel as if I’ve been all over the place the past eight or nine weeks. In other words…everywhere.

Vacation, meet-ups with friends, appointments, keeping a kitten occupied, a music festival, watering flowers, walking at night with the neighbors, and volunteering for a week-long arts camp for kids through the church I attend. In between laundry, house cleaning, grocery shopping, etc.

I’m not complaining as summer has been all that it could be. It’s a bit tiring at times, but the joys of it all, along with a few afternoon naps, make it worthwhile.

I’m not going to go into much detail other than to say that Hoshi and Gibbs are doing better together (most of the time); biking buddy and I got our fill of indie music last weekend; the kids at Arts Camp are artistic, fun and don’t always listen to direction (naturally, they are kids); Natasha and I manage to stay connected with adult refreshment and a night at the theater; lunch with old friends fills the stomach and soul; and I try my best to keep up with two cats, PT, physical training, and staying upright.

Oh, and management at our apartment complex is redoing the entire parking lot, which means I can’t always park in my garage, the lot is a mess, and the asphalt company is taking way too long to finish.

So, I’ll leave you with a few photos and you can commiserate in the comments section until I decide to get out of bed Saturday morning, have a cup of caffeine and join the blogging community. This weekend will be one of rest and perhaps staying in one place for as long as possible.

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Stream of Consciousness Saturday is the brainchild of author Linda G. Hill. Every Friday, Linda provides her followers with an inspiring blogger’s prompt. It can be a word or words and sometimes bonus points are involved (my favorite). Linda asks us to write without editing, other than correcting spelling errors.

Just go with the flow.

Like a babbling brook or rain drops. Click HERE if this type of writing floats your boat or helps with your decision-making. Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is starts with “u.” Find a word that starts with the letter “u” and use it however you’d like. Bonus points if it’s the first word in your post. Enjoy!

29 responses to SoCS: All Over the Place

  1. You have had one busy, fun, summer, lady! I think you deserve a weekend off. I do a fair amount of volunteering, but I don’t do kids. LOL Hope the rest of the summer is as fun as the middle part. 🙂

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Ha! I can understand why you don’t do kids. They can be tiring just watching them! I have another somewhat busy week coming up, but there will be no children, only personal appointments, a trip to the vet with Hoshi and adult refreshment with a friend. No naps needed for that…unless too much adult refreshment! 😉

    • bikerchick57 says:

      It has been good and wonderfull, Sadje, but I’m ready for a break and time off from the busyness. It’s keeping me from writing or reading much, and I’m starting to miss the regularity of blogging.

      • Sadje says:

        Blogging is our connection with our blogging family so it’s important too.

  2. Ally Bean says:

    Despite your all over the place summer it sounds and looks like it’s been a good one. BUT I take your point, too much scattered can wear out a person.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      That is exactly why, Ally, I think I may not get out of my PJ’s today. It’s a good day to write, watch a little Star Trek and play with the tiny terror that now resides in my home. It’s too bad, though, I don’t have a personal chef as that would make the laid-back day complete. 😉

  3. lois says:

    Sounds like a busy, but fun summer, Mary. The kitties are adorable!! Look at Gibbs with his paw over his little sister–that is the sweetest!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      That paw has whapped her a few times too, Lois. Not so sweet then, but I’m hoping that over time (when the crazy kitten stuff wanes), the swatting will become less and the companionship will increase.

  4. JoAnna says:

    I love seeing Gibbs and Hoshi sleeping together. The art camp sounds like fun – especially since it’s just one week. They should have one for adults.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      LOL, Gibbs is probably thinking that more often than not. Meanwhile, the gray, rainy weather has given me an opportunity to do a whole lot of nothing, which I definitely needed!

      • Sounds like a purrrrfect weekend. It has been gray here too – it’s made for a good weekend to take things at a slower pace. Enjoy and keep smiling at those adorable furry friends!

  5. Herman says:

    It looks like you’re having a great summer, Mary. And how beautiful are the photographs of Gibbs and Hoshi keeping each other company…

    • bikerchick57 says:

      It’s been a good summer, Herman, but I’m ready to have a few more days at home with the “kids,” watching them grow on each other. I think Gibbs is doing really well with the transition.

  6. Dan Antion says:

    I am glad your busy summer is filled with good stuff, Mary. Gibbs and Hoshi look like they get along pretty well – those photos are adorable. I hope you (had) a nice weekend.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Gibbs is accepting Hoshi, for the most part. He still gets annoyed when she is in crazy Klingon mode, trying to attack him, but that will subside as she gets older…I hope.

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