Chad’s Imagination

Artist Chad Brady has a huge imagination with winged murals in downtown Appleton.

According to the city’s Public Art Map, there are 11 murals (along with painted traffic control boxes, sculpture and sidewalk poetry) in the downtown College Avenue area, discreetly waiting to be found. I came across a newer mural on Saturday as I hurried to the Farmer’s Market. The year before, the walls on this side street were completely bare.

This year…butterflies! So many pretty butterflies!

Chad has completed other murals, these two for example:

But, oh man, do I love the butterflies!

There’s a plethora of fluttering and buzzing imagination on these walls.

Float like a butterfly…

Sting like a bee…

I’m delighted for the residents and visitors of Appleton that Chad is part of this beautiful initiative of change.

This post has been brought to you by pretty butterflies and an artist’s imagination. If you are wondering what “One-Liner Wednesday is all about, CLICK HERE.

Linda G. Hill is the Queen of One-Liners and rules over her kingdom of followers. Check out last Wednesday’s post and commit yourself to join the Queen’s one-liner army this week because there’s no fighting or blood, only comraderie and fun with words.

19 responses to Chad’s Imagination

    • bikerchick57 says:

      That absolutely made me smile, Judy. I love that they’re beautifying the city with murals and other artwork. It makes for a positive environment.

  1. Dan Antion says:

    I love it when communities fill the bland surfaces and areas with art. It makes it seem more like home, like “we decorated to make you feel better.” I do like the butterflies, but they are all very nice.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      The city leaders who advocate for this kind of art certainly have my blessings and the community’s support. I can’t imagine that anyone would not like this brand of colorful happiness.

  2. Shelley says:

    Oh, my, gosh…I love the butterflies too! What a beautiful display, so glad you shared pictures of it!!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      When I have a quiet Saturday, I want to wander through the farmer’s market in the morning and then go in search of the other murals because seeing them makes my soul happy. 🙂

  3. Frank Hubeny says:

    With my fear of heights having the imagination as wings works for me. Ali is right. Without imagination we can’t really fly.

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