SoCS: Miss Downtrodden

Impoverished existence

Empty, hollow

I can hardly breathe

Barely swallow



Yes mom?

I hope you’re not writing about yourself.




Starvation chases

Empty, hollow

I can barely think

Death follows



Yes mom?

Have you called the ASPCA?




Sleep eludes

Empty, hollow…




Sleep is your middle name.

It doesn’t feel like it.



Sleep eludes

Empty, hollow

I can scarcely rest

Self-pity wallows



Yes mom?

Any words left that rhyme with hollow?

Not sure, but I could make one up.



This, a cat’s life

Empty, hollow

Why I stay here

I’ll never truly know…



You’re easily led.


Just messing with you. I’m very happy here.

That’s good to know. Love you, Miss Downtrodden.

Love you too, mom. #purrsandsnores

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is the brainchild of author Linda G. Hill. Every Friday, Linda provides her followers with an inspiring blogger’s prompt. It can be a word or words and sometimes bonus points are involved (my favorite). Linda asks us to write without editing, other than correcting spelling errors.

Just go with the flow.

Like a babbling brook, ambling stream or running river. Click HERE if this type of writing floats your boat or helps with your decision-making.

31 responses to SoCS: Miss Downtrodden

  1. Dan Antion says:

    That’s very good! Great poem, great use of the prompt and Ziva seems to know how to pull your chain. I’m sure she’s pretty happy there, starving alongside her brother.

    Have s great weekend, but don’t forget to feed them 😏

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Thanks Dan! Ziva is content to sleep her life away on the human’s bed as long as I throw some kibble her way and tell her she’s a pretty girl. The loud purrs tell me so.

      You have a great weekend as well, Dan.

      • Dan Antion says:

        I’m sure you remember Data instructing Worf how to care for Spot. “…tell her she’s a pretty cat…”

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Oh, I think you could let him write just one post – a good story about living at the gates of hell. :-p

      • Joanne Sisco says:

        I suspect his would be filled with birds, birds, other cats, birds, raccoons, birds, why is it raining again?, birds …

      • Joanne Sisco says:

        Not normally, no. On the very rare occasion he actually catches one, he ‘plays’ with it … until it doesn’t ‘play’ anymore, and then he just abandons it 😕

        Sometimes I swear they deliberately tease him by swooping low over the backyard. Theo will get really agitated and ‘bark’ at them. It makes me laugh every time he starts ‘barking’.

  2. Shelley says:

    Aw, she’s such a pretty kitty and looks very content! Love this post (well, I love all of your posts) but kitty ones are so fun! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. JoAnna says:

    I very much enjoy these conversations with your animal companions, especially since you know them so well. I should write one about my coon hound who always thinks she’s starving to death and must have some of everything I eat. I am well-trained.

  4. joey says:

    Oh I love this one! No doubt how Catticus would craft verse as well!
    I absolutely loved the line where you comment on how sleep is her middle name! So cute! 😛

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Her royal title is Queen Ziva I, from the House of Snoozealot. She wears her crown and the mattress well.

  5. Laughing like a drain . . . for I know that this conversation really did happen.
    Aw, love you Mary. Thank for the great post and the smiles.~ Cobs. xxx

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