Fifteen Doors Full

Baa, baa, blogger, have you any doors?
Yes sir, yes sir, fifteen doors full…

One for the Normster,
One for Joanne,
And many for the followers
and melange of fans.

Baa, baa, blogger, have you any doors?
Yes sir, yes sir, fifteen doors full…

One for Norm: The garage and front door to the home in which I lived from the age of four to 16.

A couple of weeks ago, I published a post about visiting my hometown and breathing in memories. What I didn’t include in that post are the many photos of doors I took away from said hometown. They are not the exceptional doors from Toronto or New England or historical cities from around the globe. They are not the doors of palaces or cathedrals or the buried remains of an extinct civilization.

Nope, they be fair-to-middling doors. These hinged openings either hold special memories or have replaced the doors of special memories. Click on the first photo of the gallery to reveal all of the doors and the short story behind them.

If you are a door hound and can’t get enough of swinging pieces of wood, metal and unknown materials, go visit Thursday Doors at Norm 2.0 and click on the blue-frog linky thing at the bottom of his post…after you “like” and comment on his post, of course. 

You can also meet new bloggers and have some fun with Cee’s Fun Foto Challene, this week featuring Entrances and Doors. Make sure you comment and leave a link at her place.

31 responses to Fifteen Doors Full

  1. loisajay says:

    Nice little stroll down memory lane with you, Mary. Oh, selling Girl Scout cookies…I do remember those days. Now, people just stick the form in the break room at work so everyone can sign up. **heavy sigh** kids will never know the fun we had going door to door.
    That church looks so pretty; bigger and better rules, I guess. They did that with our church–only added on instead. Monster church now–I hardly recognize it.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I walked around the neighborhood that day, in the rain, with only a pencil to take cookie orders. The pencil was a mistake. Half of the order information ran and was hard to read, so mom had to call people to make sure we got it right. I didn’t stick with the Girl Scouts…wasn’t excited about earning badges and selling cookies.

      • loisajay says:

        I loved the badges! I have an entire envelope of them….that my mom never got around to sewing on my sash. My daughter never followed in my footsteps….

    • joey says:

      My girls went door-to-door, although their daddy did take a form to work as well 🙂

  2. Dan Antion says:

    Nicely done, Mary. I love the tour through your home town. I need to try to get a photo of the hospital I was born in. There’s a funny story about those doors.

    I really like the red and white doors and that private residence. Had you been inside that house?

    Can you send me a box of Thin Mints?

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I was in that house many years ago, but I can’t give you details…it’s been too long. I remember old clothing, that’s about it. Not sure what that says about the house or my memory.

      I no longer eat Thin Mints. They are too addictive.

      • Dan Antion says:

        Well, if you feel that you have to buy some, you know, to support the little girl you once were, I can give you my address 😉

  3. joey says:

    I appreciated sharing your nostalgia. Indian Casino is an interesting place, and more so that it’s still in operation. People never seem to tire of a cold beer and live music, I spose.
    That vacant church is stunning, and while I’m glad the parishioners got a new building, I’m sad for the old one.
    That Victorian house, OH MY WORD. That’s beautiful!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I am surprised that the Casino hasn’t repainted it’s sign, but perhaps they are trying to retain its originality.
      I came across a photo of my first communion in that church…I will have to share with a story.
      As for the house, yes it is. These older homes have so much beauty and character compared to the suburban homes of today.

      • joey says:

        I think there’s somethin to be said for originality.
        I look forward to your communion post 🙂

  4. Norm 2.0 says:

    Doors that hold fond memories are the most precious ones of all. Oddly the church and the casino ones are my faves: I guess I’m a fan of both virtue and vice 😉
    Thanks for sharing these.

  5. kirizar says:

    It is always interesting to see the world through another’s eyes. It is extra fun to do it literally. I like how a little history adds to the telling. What was once a banal entryway because an opening into your past for the viewer to walk through with you.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      You’re welcome Judy. I don’t know why the ditty popped into my head, but it worked for the door post. Some days, my mind works in very strange ways…

  6. Joanne Sisco says:

    This is a wonderful post! Your memories attached to each of these photos are priceless … like the memories of going the A&W for burgers and root beer with your dad. It’s only in hindsight that we realize those small moments have left a big footprint.

    … and I LOVE the Victorian house with the upper turret! omg, I just love those rounded jut-outs ❤

    • bikerchick57 says:

      You know, Joanne, I can almost remember the taste of the A&W hamburgers. They were good! And I knew you would appreciate the old home based on some of the doors you’ve shared.

  7. Phil Ryan says:

    Generally speaking I love nothing more than to click on blue frog linky things to while away a few moments of the day. Imagine my horror when I couldn’t find the amphibian in question to tap gleefully on. Oh I don’t blame you, BC, not entirely.
    This disappointment aside, some lovely doors, thank you.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      You’re welcome. Sorry you couldn’t find the frog. It’s at the bottom of Norm 2.0’s Thursday Door post. I could draw you a map, but I’m too lazy…

  8. Phil Ryan says:

    I popped back across and found not only the frog all by myself but also a lovely post for today so thanks x2 🙂

  9. Lovely memories. Thanks for sharing a bit of them. I think many of us grew up on “nondescript” homes that are, none the less, treasures to us. Love the Victorian house.


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