The Measure of Humanity

In a beloved episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, a cyberneticist arrives on the starship Enterprise with the intention of dismantling Data, the android, for scientific discovery and for the goal of creating more androids like him. Data would not survive this, and when he tries to give up his commission as an officer so they cannot order him to submit, Data is told he is not human and cannot make that decision for himself. He is a machine.Read more

#SoCS: Bike Tripping

Biking buddy and I have been busy planning an end-of-June trip to Missouri. The Katy Trail, at 237 miles, is the longest “rail-to-trail” recreational delight in the United States. Spanning East to West from Machens to Clinton, it follows the path of the Missouri River for most of its length. We will be biking the western half of the trail, with visits to the Clydesdale ranch, breweries, wineries, and historic buildings thrown in. In preparation, biking buddy and I madeRead more

A One-Liner from Mr. Road Racer

My brother likes to text me after a bike ride and share his mileage. I always say, “That’s nice,” or “Awesome!” But, really, I’m thinking show-off! He knows I could never keep up with Mr. Road Racer. He taunts me with his biking prowess. In the end, though, I don’t really care. I prefer non-competition and enjoy bike rides as fast or slow, as long or short as I deem necessary. I prefer to enjoy the landscape, breathe in theRead more

I Still Miss Him

Nope, it shall not be the former husband. Or the turtle I had as a child. Or the cockatiel named Banana. Or the awful boss from 24 years past. Why would I? This time of year, in the youthful days of spring, I miss him the most. I hear the roar of his brethren and sisterhood in the distance and it gives me chills. I know he’s out there somewhere, racing in the wind, guiding a free spirit along blacktopRead more

Flexing a Chocolate Bicep

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands – and then eat just one of the pieces. ~Judith Viorst~ Oh Judith, why did you say that? Did you have to go there? I thought strength meant lifting a 40 pound bag of kitty litter or firmly ending a relationship or parents breathing “no” to the kids (and meaning it) or the ability to make important financial decisions. Am I somewhat strong ifRead more