#WATWB: Kindness by Accident

“When you see someone doing the wrong thing, you need to do the right thing.” ~Ziarra Griffin~ When an 11 year old witnessed a hit-and-run, it would have been easiest to walk away. But that’s not Ziarra Griffin, who Andrew Sipowicz will “remember for the rest of my life.” “The piece of art that put Ziarra Griffin on national television was drawn on a whim in the back seat of her mother’s SUV. It happened a few weeks ago onRead more

Hit and Run Patio

I survived the past five days of theater, concert, funeral, mom, shopping, church and business trip. I’m a tad bit tired, especially after an earlier, very sweaty yoga class. All I can muster up this evening is a hit-and-run of the patio gardens that Natasha and I tend. First up: Black-eyed Susan vines and a lucky turtle. Clematis and Sun-Patiens We celebrate the Fourth of July all summer long. And can’t get enough of pink impatiens, even the out-of-focus ones. IntermixedRead more