SoCS: The Sun Will Come Up

For this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday, Linda Hill is asking bloggers to use “a word you have to look up.”

You know…spelling a word that doesn’t make sense when you have to spell it. The difficulty of the English language. The words that make us scratch our heads and question the meaning of a language that has it’s roots in long-ago Anglo-Saxon culture and a combination of Latin, Greek, French, German and Dutch words and pronunciations.

Maybe your word is conscience, fuchsia, minuscule, accommodate or weird.

Maybe it’s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

(I had to look that up.)

I couldn’t come up with a specific word that’s been bugging me lately, but I remembered a blog post published seven years ago when I was having issue with the word tomorrow. I kept spelling it with two M’s.

So, my entry for Linda’s prompt is an old post you can read HERE. It was not written in the SoCS style, but I’m hoping the mistress of Saturday morning’s off-the-cuff writing will kindly look the other way.

Happy Saturday and may the spelling gods be with you.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is the brainchild of author Linda G. Hill. Every Friday, Linda provides her followers with an inspiring blogger’s prompt. It can be a word or words and sometimes bonus points are involved (my favorite). Linda asks us to write without editing, other than correcting spelling errors.

Just go with the flow.

Like a babbling brook or rain drops. Click HERE if this type of writing floats your boat or helps with your decision-making. Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is β€œa word you have to look up.”

13 responses to SoCS: The Sun Will Come Up

  1. Dan Antion says:

    Yay! I got a notification for this post! I’ll pop over and read the other. Could it possibly be before I started following you? Only one way to find out.

    I hope you have a great weekend, Mary, today and tomorrow πŸ™‚

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Yay for notifications! I do believe you and I were not connected at the time of the original post. It was the first year I started blogging and making new friends. I’m glad we’re still blogging and football buddies, Dan.

      Enjoy every tomorrow, but be glad for today!

  2. Maggie says:

    Misspelling the seemingly simple words is the most frustrating. My dad always spelled the word β€˜sure’ as β€˜shure’. I never could convince him otherwise.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Did you know that misspelling itself is a word that is often misspelled? Oddly enough, it seems as though people can use altered or bad spellings of a word and we still understand the context or its meaning, although I’ve had practice in deciphering over my lifetime from various sources.

      • Maggie says:

        The brain can correct and overcome more than we realize. I did know that β€˜misspell’ is often a word that trips people up.

  3. dweezer19 says:

    I have one that always plagues me. I’ll try to slow down and do a post today. Let me check yours out now Mary!

  4. murisopsis says:

    I have to really think about spelling when I write the words receive and choir. Both of them give me fits!

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