Following Mr. King’s Advice

“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”
― Stephen King

When I took part in a poetry class at the local University Extension back in April and May, the instructor told us a number of times to read poetry more often than write poetry. For the reason that teacher and Stephen King stated – having the tools to write – I decided to make it a mission for the summer to read books. I mentioned it in a March 18th post about being “Somewhat Busy.” At that point, I had read two books and was beginning to keep a list of reading recommendations.

“Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.”
― Voltaire

The reading recommendations have turned into a long list and I’ve managed to get through nine books in three months, in between the dancing, working, biking and friendships. It would have been ten, except that the binding on Leonardo DaVinci’s large biographical tale came loose and the pages started to fall out. The lady at the library said that can happen with the larger books, but I was bummed that I had only made it a third of the way through this interesting man’s story. I will get back to Leo at some point…when the book is replaced and I’m ready to dig back in.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one.”
― George R.R. Martin

I’ve lived several lives through the summer: As a woman planting a garden, a man wandering in the cold, a historical figure on a mission, a Russian spy, an artist who had a difficult time finishing his work, a savior to the world’s sick children and a detective solving a murder. I had been living one life before this, one that was devoid of these characters and the moments and storylines that leave me wanting more.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” 
― Dr. Seuss

I am anxious to know more, to read more. To not be embarrassed that I didn’t know the library for so many years. I have a card now, a card that will teach me about people, places and events, and send me all over the world and out into space. When I am in the library, I feel like a kid in a candy store. There is so much knowledge surrounding me that I don’t know where to go next or what flavor to choose. It all looks so yummy.

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”
― Joseph Brodsky

I try not to have regrets, but not reading more books over the years has become one. What was I doing with myself? Living a life, I suppose, but I think of the many times I sat in front of the T.V. or spent hours on the computer when I could have been reading.

So, I am attempting to erase those regrets. The summer reading project has become a continuing reading project. I’m not giving up now, even though it has cut into my writing/blogging time and the gym time and the sitting-in-front-of-the-TV time.

I’m enjoying this new chapter of time well-spent in following the teacher’s and Mr. King’s advice.

This post has been brought to you by the library and a plethora of books and Linda Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday. If you are wondering what One-Liner Wednesday is all about, CLICK HERE.

Linda G. Hill is the Queen of One-Liners and rules over her kingdom of followers. Check out today’s post and commit yourself to join the Queen’s one-liner army because there’s no fighting or blood, only comradery and fun with words.

32 responses to Following Mr. King’s Advice

  1. Dan Antion says:

    This is a great post – a timely reminder without being all preachy and stuff. I love reading, and I really love reading poetry. I’m glad you’re rocking the summer reading list.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I would never be preachy to anyone about reading since I was not a good example for a long time. Funny thing, not one of the books I’ve read contains poetry. I may eventually get to that if the reading list stops growing!

  2. I don’t read poetry, but I read – a lot. I average 2-3 books a week and thanks to my beloved local library it costs me nothing. I’m on the computer for a variety of reasons during the day except I don’t spend more than 10-20 minutes a day on social media. I use that time to read. I think it’s time better spent. 🙂

    • bikerchick57 says:

      You are a reading machine, Judy! You set an example for me when I retire and have more time to read and write. 😊

  3. Laura says:

    Nine books! What?!? I’ve seriously slacked off on my reading life, your post is a good reminder why it’s important to make time for it. Thanks.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      You’re welcome, Laura! I never thought I’d finish that many books this summer, but it helps that they were all good reads!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Thanks Teagan! It was one of those posts when the quotes and story easily fit together without trying too hard. Hugs back!

  4. Shelley says:

    Excellent use of your time – and I agree, the library is like a candy shop! I rarely leave there without an arm full of books! Congrats on reading 9 in such a short amount of time!!!!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I’m heading back to the library after work tonight to pick out more candy. Maybe a biography or true story this time.

      • Shelley says:

        Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Wednesday evening!

  5. J-Dub says:

    I used to say I do not read books, I inhale them. I am on a kick for the last two years now to fill the void of an empty nest with reading like I used to in the old days. It is part of my no blue light after 9 routine. I re-discovered the library when a new branch opened by the house last year. Kid in a candy store is exactly the feeling!! It opened my world and I attend monthly book club at the branch as more void filling. My Kindle is pretty much dormant these days as I favor the paper variety.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I had a Nook at one time, but gave up the blue light for paper. I love to read before going to bed, but the electronics are not good for sleep. Enjoy your candy store and the book club. It’s a positive thing that you do.

  6. marianallen says:

    I love the library, but our household library is so extensive, I’ll never dig to the bottom of my TBR pile. And that doesn’t count what’s stacked up on my Kindle. But I absolutely agree that people who don’t read probably shouldn’t try to write. It’s like wolves raising a human: Not a BAD thing for a wolf to do, but the result probably won’t belong in a library.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Have fun with the TBR pile! Let me know if you have any good recommendations. There’s no reason why I can’t keep adding to my list…if I want to be a good writer, rather than the offspring of a wolf! 😎

  7. joey says:

    I like that you challenged yourself and enjoyed it! Reading ❤ Possibly my second love, cause you know I had ice cream first 😉

  8. Joanne Sisco says:

    Nicely written, Mary, and I too am impressed at 9 books over 3 months! I’ve been an avid reader since I was quite young. Saturday afternoons always involved a trip to the local library to refill for the week.

    A couple of years ago, as part of my New Things list, I started to keep track of books I read and those I wanted to read … and for the first time I started to allow myself to abandon books that simply bored me to tears. Previously I had the mentality that if I started it, I had to finish it. Now I realize that there are simply too many great stories out there to read to waste time grinding through a book I don’t enjoy.

    I’m intrigued by the book about Leonardo di Vinci. What was it called? I too find him a fascinating man.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      The Book is titled Leonardo Davinci and is written by Walter Isaacson. The little that I did read was very interesting.

      I am keeping a list of books I want to read and those I’ve read, so can keep track. I know what you mean about letting go of a boring book. I just can’t read something that doesn’t catch my attention in the first chapter.

      • Joanne Sisco says:

        Recently I gave up on a book after I was 2/3 of the way through. One day I finally realized – why am I reading this dog? Old habits are hard to kill.
        Thanks for the info on Leo. I will be looking it up 🙂

  9. dweezer19 says:

    I’m reading the Inkheart series right jow, i love the film and just found out thete are books! First book I’ve enjoyed since Harry Potter. 😊

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Thanks for the recommendation Cheryl. I have this written down on my list and will get to it at some point. Have to read four books I bought at a library sale last week and pick up another book at the library. So much reading to do and so little time!

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