The Identity of Mary J

“In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity.”

~Erik Erikson~

What is your identity?

Do you have a definition of who you are?

Are you a unique individual with purple hair and a nose ring or a combination of your parents and life-long experiences?

I’m not sure what to say about myself. I’ve been pondering my own identity of late and what that might look like in print. I’ll respond to that in a bit. But, first,the dictionary definition…

  1. The distinguishing character or personality of an individual or 2) the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.

In essence, all of us are a totally distinguished personality. We are both tall and short, thin and pleasingly plump, full of wit and painfully droll, artistic and scientific, willing to dive off a cliff and afraid of the water, courageous and meek, mentally driven and a couch potato, red-haired and blonde, religious and devilish, black and white, Mensa material and algebra stunted, really nice and not really nice. There’s so much that makes up an identity that revolves around personality, what we say and how we say it, what we do, the kind of clothes we wear, the type of job we have, etc.

Which leads me to my own definition, my identity.

Looking in the mirror, I see a white female of German heritage, about 5’8″ (one inch less than I used to be), dark hair from a box, tortoise shell glasses, blue eyes (thanks Dad), a cute nose and an overbite from the early years of sticking a thumb in my mouth. I’m not as thin as I used to be, but still a good weight for age 60. I have very few wrinkles (thanks genetics) and long, thick fingers. My big toes stick out farther than the others, which requires a half size larger shoes than would otherwise be needed.

I cry over the National Anthem, sappy movies and certain songs, and am honest to a fault. Although I found out about co-dependency nine years ago, I also found out about determination and courage. I don’t always finish what I start (books of late), but enjoy whatever I’m doing when I’m doing it. I have a strong work ethic, but yearn for retirement. I don’t like confrontation and prefer to keep the peace. I was painfully shy as a child, much more social as an adult. I have a great sense of humor, at least in my own mind.

Sometimes my mind wanders…

Where was I?

Oh yeah…

I am a Star Trek nerd. I love cats and dogs, kittens and puppies, and almost all creatures (still hate June bugs and leeches) on the planet. I love to take my bicycle on the trails and thank God for the beautiful landscape. I am a woman of faith, still working on walking the walk, and a Harley chick at heart. I look forward to digging in the dirt every spring and playing with arts and crafts. I’m not the best at the latter, but keep trying. There’s something awesome about creating with your own two hands.

I have a sweet tooth and love most foods except…

(If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know which two foods I hate the most. If not or if you’ve forgotten, feel free to take a guess.)

It’s not chocolate or cupcakes or corned beef that I dislike. I don’t drink red wine, but love me some beer and a well-made brandy old fashioned. You know this about me, right?

I’m a little goofy, weird perhaps. If you would overhear conversations between myself and Natasha or myself and friend Sandy, you would wonder about me, about us. We don’t take life too seriously and are willing to talk stupid once in a while. Or fairly often. It’s the kind of goofiness everyone should have because life really is too short to not square dance in the kitchen (Natasha and I have traded in the polka for something new).

That’s a lot of information about Mary J.

So, I’m going to stop here. This is enough identity for a One-Liner Wednesday that is way over the word limit. That’s something else about me – I can’t shut up on a dime when I’m on a roll.

I hope Linda forgives me as I forgive others.

This post has not been brought to you by a blogger’s identity. It has also been brought to you by Linda G. Hill’s “One-Liner Wednesday.” All you need to play along every week is an awesome one-liner and follow a few rules. Birds on a wire are not required, but make sure you link back today’s post to HERE so the rest of us #1linerweds peeps can read it.


32 responses to The Identity of Mary J

  1. Frank Hubeny says:

    I think I’m shrinking as well. Good quote by Erickson. Although I might worry about it sometimes, I tend to take that sense of identity for granted. I rarely finish books either.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I do have a desire to read more, Frank, but never seem to find the time. Days just fly by. Perhaps when I retire, I can be a prolific reader and actually finish every book I start.

  2. Dan Antion says:

    “but keep trying”

    I think that’s the most important thing. A lot of people settle into an acceptance, long before 60, of goals they will not reach, things they won’t learn and stuff they can’t do. I don’t see you doing that. I’m looking forward to reading about bike rides and outdoor activities because your enthusiasm for those things always shines through. Happy first day of spring, Mary J!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Same to you, Dan. Happy spring, even though you’re having another snow event. Perhaps we should tell spring to “keep trying” and see what happens.

      I am getting incredibly anxious to get on the bike and explore new trails. Stay tuned for what is to come!

      • Dan Antion says:

        I need to get back on the exercise bike, if for no other reason than to get used to being on that seat. I am going to try to at least work some shorter rides in this year.

      • bikerchick57 says:

        You and me both Dan. I am so out of bike shape right now. If I don’t start going regularly to the gym, that first ride is not going to be pretty.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Thank you! I’ll make sure I stay whimsical and provide a laugh or two within my blog posts. For your entertainment… 🙂

  3. Shelley says:

    You forgot quirky – I’m particularly fond of that about you as well as all your other fun attributes! Cheers to you!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Well, darn, I missed something cool about myself. I’ll add quirky to the list. Thanks for the reminder. 😀

  4. loisajay says:

    I am 5′ 4-1/2″ and hang onto that 1/2″ for dear life. You are right–life is way too short. Bring on the weird and goofy. That is what keeps me going every single day!

  5. JoAnna says:

    I had fun reading this, learning more about you, and noticing the commonalities: Shrinking an inch, not as thin as I was, but not bad for 62, German heritage, Love of dogs and cats, Star Trek nerd forever, dislike confrontation (maybe we’d be peace makers in the Star Trek world.) I occasionally finish books, but I have a pretty big stack of unfinished ones next to my bed, because I believe I’ll finish them some day. Maybe.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      We’re sisters from different misters and misses! With all that’s going on in the world today, we may need to form a Star Trek Peace Committee. I’m sure there would be a few other nerds who would help us assimilate the Borg-like people. Right? :-p

  6. dweezer19 says:

    It’s so nice to officially meet you Mary! We have a lot in-common! Have you started poetry class yet?

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Poetry class starts in two weeks. I’m getting very excited about learning something new. 🙂

      We have a lot in common? So, you have the long big toes too? 😉

      • dweezer19 says:

        Ha! No, my toes are so short my pinky has no nail! 😂More emotional similarities. 😉

  7. Joanne Sisco says:

    All the reasons why I love you are wrapped up in a few short phrases … “We don’t take life too seriously and are willing to talk stupid once in a while. Or fairly often. It’s the kind of goofiness everyone should have because life really is too short to not square dance in the kitchen”.

    Mary on!!

  8. I didn’t think I could love you more …. but I seem to now that I’ve read that. ‘YOU’ … the essence of YOU came out of that post at around the half way part (ish) and it was that ‘essence’ which suddenly turned you into this 3d person inside my mind. You are just great Mary. Totally great.
    Sending love and squidges ~ Cobs.

    P.S. A lady should never admit to being older than her bra size once she get’s over the age of 39. OR … older than her shoe size if her inner child is coming out to play. I’m 7 years old. 😀 ~ C. xxx

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Cobs, you made me blush a bit and gave me a big head to boot. Love and squidges back at ya!
      PS: I’ve never been afraid to tell my true age because I always get the same response, that I look young for my age. Always makes me feel good and light of heart! 😎

      • I have to admit that I was really surprised when I read it … if someone had asked me to guess your age from knowing you just by the soul I feel through your words on the internet, I would truthfully said “around 27 or 28”. I was really certain that you’d tapped out the wrong number.

        Bless your beautiful heart. You really are a whole new huge surprise to me Mary, and I’m delighted to have ‘met’ you on the net. I love you to pieces for so many reasons. 😀
        Buckets of love ~ Cobs. xxx ❤

  9. joey says:

    Very well done. I feel like I knew most of it, but still learned more about you, and I like it. 🙂

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