SoCS: The Green Day

Ye lads and lassies…

It’s The Green Day. March 17th. The Feast of St. Patrick. The day when everyone is Irish.

What does The Green Day conjure up in my mind?

  • Corned beef and cabbage, or “boiled dinner” as my German parents called this dish. It’s a favorite once-a-year treat and I’m trying to figure out where I’m going to go to get me some for dinner.
  • Green beer and a green river in Chicago. “No” to the green beer and “some day” to the green river.
  • Talking Irish by putting an O’ in front of everything. Which reminds me of a time when the former husband used to get a mailing addressed to Harry (his first name is Larry) O’_ _ _ _ _ _ _. Not sure how an Englishman ended up with an Irish name, but it always gave me a giggle or two.
  • Little leprechauns, rainbows, a pot of gold and marshmallow cereal. The latter is magically delicious.
  • Four-leaf clovers. I’ve never found one and that’s probably why I’m not a millionaire.
  • Claddagh earrings, of which I have a pair and wear once a year when I go in search of corned beef and cabbage.
  • March 17th is also the day when I think of green grass and spring and wonder when both will be present. This weekend is shaping up to be warm and sunny, so those thoughts will be in full swing.

What happens to The Green Day the rest of the year?

It hides in the shadows of hues and tints, palettes and shades. It’s in the banana that hasn’t ripened. It’s the water bottle within arm’s reach. It’s in the plate of kale, spinach, chard and other assorted rabbit food. Green is the color of the diesel gas pump at Costco. It’s the color of clothes in someone else’s closet or ogres on the TV screen. It’s the grass that’s waiting to sprout and the tree buds that are waiting to open. Green is Kermit the frog and key lime pie and artists’ pencils. A ripe kiwi, a pair of shoes, a summer dress, a manly tie and mint ice cream. Green is tree moss and perfectly manicured grass on a golf course. Green is the envy of the Jones’ neighbor and the stuff that floats around the lake during the dog days of summer.

Green is everywhere, every day, all year long.

Today, however, is St. Patrick’s Day.

It’s the greenest day of the year. Time to embrace the inner Irish and go eat a hunk of corned beef. Or drink a shamrock shake. Or put on your favorite green shirt and call yourself Harry (or Fiona) O’Something.

And dance a jig for cereal’s sake.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is the brainchild of author Linda G. O’Hill. Every Friday, Linda provides her followers with a blogger’s prompt. It can be a word or words and sometimes bonus points are involved (my favorite). Linda asks us to write without editing, other than correcting spelling errors.

Just go with the flow.

Like a babbling brook, ambling stream or running river. Click HERE if this type of writing floats your boat or helps with your decision-making.

27 responses to SoCS: The Green Day

  1. Dan Antion says:

    Nicely done, Mary. I hope you find your favorite meal. Wash it down with a dark beer, if you prefer. After all, Guiness isn’t green.

    I am hoping the bar is serving corned beef & cabbage today. Theirs is pretty good, with the cabbage cut large and left somewhat firm.

    Have a great weekend πŸ™‚πŸΊ

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Thanks Dan. My favorite restaurant has both the corned beef and beer, but not sure I’ll be having a glass of suds today. Think I’d be more interested in the Guinness chocolate dessert they are serving. Mmmmm…

  2. Joanne Sisco says:

    Happy Green Day to you! πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

    I like your celebration of all things green throughout the year. We will certainly be enjoying a hint of that green-like weather this weekend and it will be much appreciated as we sit around our little fire pit outside with a blanket and a non-green drink to welcome the coming change of season.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Sitting outside around the fire pit with an adult refreshment sounds like a relaxing way to spend a Saturday afternoon. I plan to be outside most of the weekend to soak up some rays and watch for sprouts of green grass and little leprechauns. πŸ˜‰

  3. marianallen says:

    You should plant your potatoes in the dark of the moon (that time of the month, not literally) by St. Patrick’s Day. Then you’ll have new potatoes at the same time as your peas. Richard desRousseaux (not sure of that spelling anymore), a newspaperman in Louisville, Kentucky, once wished his readers a happy St. Patrick’s day by celebrating those famous Irishmen: Grouch, Chic, Harp, and Zepp — The O’Marx Brothers.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Ummm…I will probably go to the o’store to buy potatoes and peas, but thanks for the o’tip and the chuckle about the O’Marx brothers. Too funny! πŸ˜†

  4. joey says:

    I’m not enough Irish to feel Irish, but you’re right, it’s nice to have a day when everyone feels a lil bit Irish πŸ™‚ I didn’t have an Irish day at all. I must say, Sassy asked for Lucky Charms yesterday and I bought them for her, lol, so there’s that. I’m not eating them, but they’re here – a leprechaun in my house!
    I hope your boiled dinner was served with joy! πŸ˜€

    • bikerchick57 says:

      The boiled dinner was magically delicious, Joey, although I didn’t see any leprechauns or marshmallow clovers. Maybe next year!

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