All the People

“And the world will live as one.”

John Lennon imagined. He dreamed.

Nothing to kill or die for.

No need for greed or hunger.

All the people.

Living life in peace.

This1linerwedsbadgewes post has been brought to you by John Lennon’s imagination, Pentatonix and Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday. Click HERE to see additional one-liners in the comment section. Feel free to play along by posting your own one-liner and linking your post to Linda’s.


watw-turquoise-badge-275-x241-whiteI’m adding a plug for the “We are the World” Blogfest. Click HERE for a post that promotes the upcoming blogfest and includes details in how you can sign up. “We are the World” is a year-long blogfest, with posts published once a month, on the last Friday of each month. Of special importance is the content of bloggers’ posts, which are meant to shine a bright and beautiful light on people and humanity for the remainder of this year and into 2018. Rather than reading negativity on social media, join us for human interest stories that we hope will make you smile, laugh and bring positive vibes to the world at large. (Feel free to spread the word on social media with the hashtag #WATWB )

21 responses to All the People

  1. Dan Antion says:

    John Lennon was one of my favorites. I think we were denied a lot of good music when he was killed. I usually prefer original versions of songs, but this is really nice. Thanks for this post and for supporting the “We are the World” Blogfest.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      You’re welcome, Dan. I’ve wondered many times the music that would have come from Lennon had he lived. And how he might have changed the world as a man of peace and acceptance. I prefer the originals of most songs, but I love Pentatonix and how they interpret their music. Especially this song.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Pentatonix made this a memorable version of Imagine with their signs. Very clever and, yes, love the signs.

  2. This was amazing. I love these guys and had never heard (seen) them do this song…which might well be one of my top three favorite songs of all time.

    I just emailed your blog to every important person in my email address book. I might also reblog if that’s OK but first wanted to send it to my loved ones!

    Thank you SO much!!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      You’re welcome! It makes me very happy that you wanted to share this with your email buddies. Feel free to reblog if you’d like, I think the video provides an inspirational message. I love Pentatonix, their voices, and how they interpret songs. They are a brilliant group of musical artists.

  3. LB says:

    I first learned about Pentatonix on NCIS and spent a good bit of time watching their videos one evening. And then Imagine came out …. wow!

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