

I am not a professional storyteller or poet, and do not have best.blogger.ever expectations. I dabble in the written word and chose the name of this blog because (1) I am MaryJ and (2) I intend to write about a motley assortment of “stuff” – cats, bicycles, family, traveling, enjoying a Wisconsin brandy old fashioned, having friends who always make me laugh, spending too much time on social media, flower gardening, eating healthy, exercise……or whatever else comes to mind. I have self-diagnosed, age-related attention deficit disorder (bright, shiny thing!)…my mind and thoughts tend to wander – at times in really odd directions. In 2012, I found myself yearning to write (usually while I was driving) and wanting to find an outlet for that desire. After more than a year of good intentions, I took the big step and landed at WordPress.  I hope you enjoy my posts, whether they are somewhat serious or somewhat silly.  And thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for visiting.

109 responses to About

  1. Avia Tinder says:

    Good show–excellent About! I hope you’ll enjoy blogging as much as I do 🙂

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I have been blogging for almost seven years and have enjoyed every minute. Writing, no matter how good or bad, feeds my soul like nothing else. I can guess from your poetry that the same is true for you. 🙂

      • Avia Tinder says:

        You are SO right!! It feeds the soul, assists in purging/healing–and the people we meet are like none other, 5-Star!!

    • ivor20 says:

      Hi Mary, thank you for following my blog/website, I appreciate your support, I hope you enjoy reading my humble writings, and I’m from Geelong, Australia,. Cheers. Ivor

      • bikerchick57 says:

        Ivor, you are welcome. Interestingly enough, I am connected with another blogger from your area. Looking forward to reading more of your poetry.

  2. SusanR says:

    Good grief, woman. Your raison d’être sounds a lot like mine. And I may steal that “self-diagnosed, age-related attention deficit disorder” thing. What a perfect description of my condition. That and the “Trump Derangement Disorder” that my son diagnosed.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      TDD, huh? I like it!
      Yeah, my attention deficit thing is coupled with a bit of perfectionism, which I have let go of just a little since retirement. I need to update my “about” page, though, as some of my life has changed.

  3. Terrific blog, Mary. I still can’t figure out why I haven’t been following you. Well that’s corrected now. 😁 (I know better late than never)

    • bikerchick57 says:

      Thank you so much, John! It’s difficult to keep up with everyone, even those we are following. I haven’t been posting as regular as I used to, so my blog should be an easy read for now. 🙂

  4. Came from Marian Allen (a friend/reader from way back now) and her Caturday blog. I don’t have the physical stamina to take care of an actual cat (husband is messy, apartment not safe for small felines) – so I share her three. Wish I could still bike!

      • I have an adult tricycle (her name is Trixie), and hope to get back on board. Have to finish the structure for the last novel in my trilogy first – then I can go back to working on the scenes in smaller chunks of time and energy, but structure takes all I have.

        Looking forward to your posts. Nice photos.

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  1. […] know something about structural mechanics. I don’t want to get sciency or mathy, ‘cuz Joey, Mary, Judy and Marian, but if they built that nest on a sturdy, non-move-in-the-wind branch, the wind […]