Dude on a Bike & #WATWB

On the bike, waiting for the traffic light to change…

Me: Nice day for a bike ride.

Dude on a Bike: Every day is a nice day for a bike ride.

Me: Yes, I suppose…unless it’s snowing.

Dude on a Bike: Only if it’s snowing hard.

Me: I draw the line at 50 degrees. I’m a bit of a fair-weather biker.

Dude on a Bike: I ride all year ’round, unless it’s snowing hard.

Me: Do you have a fat tire bike?

Dude on a Bike: No, just this one.

*Looking at the skinny tires and thinking, jeepers no*

Me: Well, good for you. Keep on going.

Dude on a Bike: Yeah, I bike every day, 30 miles. Fifteen miles out, fifteen miles back. All year ’round, unless it snows hard.

Me: #yeahIheardyouMr30milesallyearround  #Iamabikingweenie

watw-turquoise-badge-275-x241-whiteSo, what did this conversation have to do with “We are the World” Blogfest? Not much other than I hope it brought a little laughter and light to your day. That’s the point of the year-long blogfest: To bring smiles and light to the darkness of the world; to find stories of the kind and giving human spirit and of those people who make the world a better place for everyone.

On the last Friday of this month, July 28th, a group of bloggers will publish posts of kindness, love, happiness, giving, resilience, laughter, light and hope. They will come together for the purpose of shedding negativity by sharing links to positive news stories and the awesome people within.

If you’d like to be part of this wonderful experience, click HERE for details and a list of blogfest co-hosts. This blogfest began back in March and will end on the last Friday of February, 2018.

Personally speaking, I’m finding many extraordinary people, programs and outreach in my own area. I have been greatly surprised at the wonderful things that are being done in the Fox Valley area to help community as a whole. I imagine you would too.

Be the dude on the bicycle. Take the blogfest for a spin. You don’t have to go the distance every day, just one day a month. Fat tires and snow are optional.

28 responses to Dude on a Bike & #WATWB

  1. Dan Antion says:

    “Bike weenie” – I love it. My bike will never see snow, not those skinny tires. I’m going to do my best to be here on Friday, with a story for WATWB

  2. Compared to me you are not a bike weenie. LOL! Nice write-up for #WATWB. I’m putting the finishing touches on my post, so I should be there.

  3. Susan Scott says:

    ha ha! That brought a smile 🙂 … it reminds me of golfers – dedicated ones will play in the most awful conditions! Great metaphor for spreading #WATWB!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      There is another guy who rides his bike to work at the airport through the winter. I’m not sure if he’s dedicated or crazy! 😏

  4. Joanne Sisco says:

    For the first couple of years of our marriage, that was Gilles. We had only 1 car and he commuted to and from work by bicycle. Every day. Rain, snow, or shine. Unless it was snowing hard. He hated those days when he had to take transit.
    It seemed rather normal at the time, but like you, I cringe now at the thought with those skinny tires.

    Now of course he wouldn’t dream of taking his bike out in the snow. Good grief, no!

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I think about biking earlier in spring and later in fall, but that would require warmer bike clothes and a lights on the bike. Then again, I can take the car to work and turn on the heater.

      Good for Gilles…those early days probably set a lifetime habit of exercise and staying in shape. Right?

      • Joanne Sisco says:

        Gilles was already a fitness fanatic when I met him. It ebbed when the boys were small, but then went into full-out mode when they got older.
        He’s been dragging me along in his wake ever since 🙂

  5. Hi Mary! I have friends who are obsessed bike riders. It can be a blizzard out yet they have to get in their 20-30 mile rides. They are nuts.

    • bikerchick57 says:

      I agree Phil. I would be more obsessed working out at the heated gym than ride a bike in the cold and snow. Too crazy for me!

  6. I never regularly did a 30mile round trip commute, but I did do a 10 mile round trip with no problems… and… like the dude I did it in all weather. Heh… even heavy snow!

  7. joey says:

    I believe I mentioned my fear of cycling in the city? And in wet weather? Oh good mercy, no. I admire his passion and dedication though. (Even if it seems dangerous and unreasonable… )

    • bikerchick57 says:

      He rides a paved bike/walk trail, so that part is okay. But I just don’t understand how biking in cold and snow is any fun. If I want to be wet, I’ll go for a swim in the pool.

  8. Aunt Beulah says:

    Sooooo funny! I have a neighbor much like your dud on a bike, but he rides every day even when I won’t walk because streets and sidewalks are solid ice. Of course, in the winter he rides a bike with fat tires. I think he’s crazy.

    • Heh, you need more than fat tires on the ice! :> I remember wrapping a long length of thin chain all around my back time one winter back in the 80s. It worked pretty well in giving me traction, but the back brake was pretty much worthless.

      I used to cycle all winder long on the ice and in the snow, but don’t do it nowadays: too dangerous (It is ***VERY*** easy to hit some unexpected ice and slide out under a car that has very little traction itself for stopping.)

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